Alates 12.07.2015 on EMT Mobiilsel elul uued tingimused
AS Eesti Telekom will be providing EMT Mobile Life service under new terms by changing the current Mobile Life terms of service and price list.
The reason for changing the terms of service is substantive development and added features of the service. We will change Mobile Life fees and other pricing details as circumstances related to substantive changes in the service have changed.
From June 12, 2015 onwards new terms apply to all new Mobile Life subscriptions.
Current Mobile Life customers can continue using the service under current terms, and thus, the changes will not affect their daily use of the service. However, Mobile Life customers can add devices (numbers) and make other changes until July 11, 2015. After that date it is not possible to change service contents under current terms. From July 12, 2015, changing Mobile Life service contents is subject to new terms.
New terms of service and price list will be available through EMT’s website at and EMT and Elion stores from June 12, 2015.
New terms of service and price list will become valid automatically for all Mobile Life subscribers on July 12, 2015.
Those Mobile Life subscribers who do not want to continue using the service because of the change can withdraw from the contract without having to pay the penalty by notifying Eesti Telekom before July 12, 2015.